Tonight I scooted back to the train station from a barbecue dinner with fellow teachers. This neon display caught my eye when I stopped at a red light. It managed to catch my eye because this traffic light had a 90-second countdown timer. 90 seconds is a long time to sit idling, so I usually look around me and try to be observant (like any good boy scout).
This tunnel of stars looks like a portal to another dimension. On the other side of the portal is a bench hugged by two hearts—the smaller one remains lit, while the other heart stands big and strong and dull.
I step through and emerge in a universe where couples share a heart. When a couple spends time apart, the heart casts a large shadow on the one without the heart. When the two meet up again, the shadow disappears. But the longer they spend apart, the more difficult it is to banish the shadow with light and with love.
kalos | eidos | skopos
beautiful | shape | watcher
Knowing beauty lives on, evolving in people
And in the world we inhabit,
Likely means we know beauty when we see its shape.
Ed Sheeran’s in love with the angles and lines living
In his imagination as music.
Dancing between dreams and waking life and memory
One eye always looks for a pattern
So we can find resonance, feeling
Challenges to twist and turn our viewpoint
Over and over in infinite revolutions.
Play within the shifting landscapes
Each kaleidoscopic self holds, and be seen.