This is one of those stories that I hate because the writer (you, Quenntis) is so good at being so damned creepy. It's brilliant and horrifying all at the same time. I just don't know how you do it!

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Thanks for the 'hate'... hehehe... My mind can be pretty dark at times. I love it when I end up surprising myself. :-)

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Thank you again for joining us and for reading to your story to everyone. I love the rhythm that you hook us with immediately "Yes yes I confess..." there was something so mesmerizing about it that made it feel almost like a purr!

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Thanks for providing a great place to be inspired and to create with others! The best part of a story for me is the 'performance' at the end - so I try to write with that performative aspect in mind. :-)

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It definitely shows and I think that is a wonderful muscle to exercise. I have been participating in a local poetry workshop and I realized I began thinking about my words there in the same way because our ultimate goal is a performance in the early summer. I wonder how this thinking will influence my prose.

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Eeeeep!!!! Creepy is right! Crawling inside the villain’s head can be so fun. Thanks for such a...ahem...tasty read. Ew. *shudder...* And just before bedtime. 😻😈😻

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Thanks so much. That anonymous cat burglar really stole the story from me...

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So a general, all-around thief then. I see. 😈

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I love how you got in the mind of this character and expressed who they are. Very intriguing story.

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Thanks, Cody. Writing from the point of view of the 'villain' was so much fun! Thanks for reading and for your kind words. :-)

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This was so cleverly and effortlessly fun and engaging. You worked the prompts in so seamlessly! This was great!

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Thank you so much. I've been falling back in love with writing short fiction again, and it is such a rush to get something finished and shared for others to enjoy. Thanks for reading. :-)

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