Quenntis, thanks for sharing this. I never thought that I'd see the phrase pinball and Humpty Dumpty on the same page to be honest. So this is a breath of fresh air. How did you come up with the composition of this piece? So fun-

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Hi Thalia, thanks for commenting on my story. I usually let the story decide where it wants to go and what it wants to become. I love to be surprised by the stories I write. I'm so glad you liked it. :-)

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I like this approach, Quenntis—something very organic about it. Letting the pen take the hand.

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I like that. "Letting the pen take the hand." Lyrical and inspirational, too. I might steal that for the title of a poem... :-)

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Ohhhhhh yay! You know I love me some surreptitious sentience in beings far too underrated. I just love your stuff.

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Thanks so much for your support and for reading my work. You rock!

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Wild, innovative and awesome. Nice work.

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Thanks, Jim. Glad you like this piece. :-)

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